HHD Academy is a unit specializing in English and German training, providing study abroad programs including: Study abroad, converted study abroad ... and program to work in Germany, Australia, Canada, US... The company was established in 2016 and developed by enthusiastic and experienced members in many markets. The process of studying abroad at HHD Academy is closed from language training to services in Vietnam and host country to help parents and students completely trust and feel secure.
HHD Academy aims to become a European-American professional education training and consulting institution in Vietnam, a place that is trusted and connected by parents and students.
PLAINNESS – THOROUGHNESS – REPUTATION is the core values that HHD Academy always tries to build and develop to increasingly affirm the Company’s position in Vietnam and the host country.
Career-oriented and provides a knowledge base to help Vietnamese students access modern European and American civilization and education, rich in practicality and completely free of tuition.
100% of teachers have pedagogical qualifications and experience in teaching English and German. Many teachers have studied and worked in Europe, America and Australia. Besides, there are many native teachers.
Each class has a maximum of 10-15 students to help improve the interaction between students and teachers, focusing on each student to achieve the best quality, the fastest process of obtaining foreign language certification.
In order to meet the needs of learning and training, HHD Academy attaches great equipments to help students experience an educational environment of international standards. Students can stay in the dormitory.
Students are advised a clear and transparent roadmap. Each of you has your own consultant during the application process until the time you receive your visa to ensure smoothness and support during the process of studying and working in host country.
Head of Training Center
Director of HHD Thai Binh
Representative in Germany